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Neurodiversity Gifts
Start Here! Welcome and Orientation (12 mins)
0.1 Welcome to Neurodiversity Gifts! (5:25)
0.2 Our Goal (1:50)
0.3 Our Map (5:36)
Module 1 - Neurodiversity in the West (26 mins)
1.1 Neurodiversity the Word (1:34)
1.2 Judy Singer and the Canaries in the Coal Mine (2:57)
1.3 Activity - The Power of Perspective (4:52)
1.4 Neurodiverse Geniuses and Game-Changers (0:34)
1.5 Dr. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (7:25)
Module 2 - Frequencies & The Science of Mind (13 mins)
2.1 Frequencies and Spectrums (2:45)
2.2 Activity - The Brain as a Filter (3:12)
2.3 Quantum Physics and Interconnection (3:28)
2.4 Psi and Mental Health (4:00)
Module 3 - Depth Psychology & Carl Jung's Neurodiversity (11 mins)
3.1 Carl Jung's Model of the Psyche (3:36)
3.2 Carl Jung's Neurodiversity (3:50)
3.3 Activity - The 5,4,3,2,1 Grounding Exercise (1:25)
3.4 Activity - Active Imagination Exercise (1:30)
3.5 Activity - Jungian Personality Self-Assessment (0:30)
Module 4 - Beyond Culturocentrism: Japanese Wisdom & Traditional Shamanism (15 mins)
4.1 Japanese Wisdom: Kintsugi (1:16)
4.2 Activity - Japanese Wisdom: Your Ikigai (1:40)
4.3 South African Sangomas (5:56)
4.4 Entheogens/Psychedelics (6:15)
Module 5 - Beyond Chronocentrism: Greek Philosophy and Spiritual Models (36 mins)
5.1 Greek Philosophy - Plato (4:27)
5.2 Greek Philosophy - The Myths (3:17)
5.3 Disney and the Hero's Journey (1:56)
5.4 Intro to Spiritual Frameworks (2:55)
5.5 Spirituality 1 - Higher Dimensional Christianity (16:01)
5.6 Spirituality 2 - Higher Dimensional Hinduism (5:16)
5.7 Activity - Expect, Connect, Respond (2:12)
Module 6 - Dreams & Your Compass of Metaphor (9 mins)
6.1 Dreams and Psychosis (1:28)
6.2 Lucid Dreaming (3:44)
6.3 Activity - Metaphorical Group Story (3:40)
Module 7 - Postmodern Insights & Ukuthwasa Graduation (19 mins)
7.1 Noetic and Exceptional Human Experiences (2:57)
7.2 Learning Balance from the Modern World - IONS (2:38)
7.3 The Big Picture and Hegel (3:43)
7.4 Activity - Metaphorical Ink Blot Art (5:46)
7.5 Activity - Your Ukuthwasa Graduation (4:26)
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2.1 Frequencies and Spectrums
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